Friday, May 23, 2014

poor mans stimulator

Like alot fly anglers I like to tie my own flies. I can't honestly say it is any cheaper than just buying them from the fly shop. I like to try my hand at harder patterns just to see if I can do it. Then I usually just end up either simplifying it or tying something else. Defies logic, I know.

So I am always looking for a productive fly that is a little different than the cookie cutter offerings found in shops and online. The best way to do that is to tie them yourself and experiment a little. Also, I have a preference for what are often called guide flies. They use few materials and are easy to tie. For example, I don't tie legs on any of my pheasant tails. Just a bead, wire and pheasant. Simple. While filling my fly box for camping a few weeks ago I tried tying a new pattern, or rather a dressed down version that could be considered a variation of a stimulator or elk hair caddis. It is similar to both yet not like either. Maybe I should be calling it "Punk's Poor Mans Stimulator"...

Recipe: Size 12 scud hook
Ultra thread 70 denier, cream
Small diameter monofilament (I recycle used 6x tippet)
Beaver dubbing, sulphur yellow
Bleached deer hair, cleaned and stacked
Grizzly hackle

 It can be tied in a variety of colors. I tied it on dry fly hooks and scud. The scuds land with authority and the take was often instant. I thought they outperformed the dry hooks, and it still floated well. So far I have had success using it in the mountains, and the clinch river during a sulphur hatch.

This fly has fast become one of my go-to flies for summer mountain fishing. Hope ya like it!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

an introduction

hola! welcome to my first foray into the blog o sphere. my name is shaun but you can call me punk for short. i'm a punk rocker who gave up the punk rock life when my daughter was born. i'm originally from southern california, and have called tennessee home since 1997. i grew up fishing as a kid, mostly for trout, and thats one thing that hasn't changed. i started fly fishing seriously about three years ago and fell in love. i am not your traditional fly fisherman, i prefer cut off shorts to waders(except in winter!) and a cadillac tramps t shirt to patagonia. i fish in the great smoky mountains often, as well as some of the surrounding streams such as the tellico watershed. i love to hit the tailwaters around here, the clinch below norris dam and holston below cherokee. i use a kayak to reach the best waters and least crowds. but the place i probably fish most often is a little pond close to work on my lunch break.

i am a member on a couple forums but i try not to be a post whore. i don't do forums for a pat on the back, i'm there to get help and help others when i can. i fish often and this can be a place for my reports, and some that don't make the forums. i'm open to comments, speak your mind. questions? go for it.

hope you enjoy