Saturday, March 14, 2015

Just a couple

Have you heard about this place called the lunchtime pond? That's what I call it. Its a few miles from my work and an opportunity to indulge my addiction 20 minutes at a time. Though I do stop by sometimes on my way home if I still have the itch...

Well I finally reupped my fishing licenses for the 2015 season  this past week and I couldn't wait to break it in. I dusted off the Ol Scum rod and the little sling pack I made for carrying gear and stashed them both in the truck before heading to work.

My purse

I actually made this a couple of years ago from the cargo pockets of my torn pants, and the cheap belt that came with the pants I bought to replace them. YouTube can teach you more than just how to double haul!

When I got to the pond it was lightly raining and as full as I have ever seen it. I didn't go by there but a couple times all winter, and I didn't fish when I did so I didn't know what to expect. My neighbor hit them pretty hard last year and it showed in my catch rate but I know he can't catch them all.

I walked up to the water, dropped my rubber legged dragon in and gave it a few twitches to get it wet. Mr bucket mouth was waiting nearby and he ambushed me. Before I ever cast!

Pete can't eat them all

I don't know what it planned to do with the food it thought it was eating. It clearly just had a big meal and a tail was sticking out of its throat.

I lost my RLD a few casts later so I switched to a black wooly bugger and got a few more smaller bass to bite. I lost all but the one on the very last cast.

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